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Our Federation Eyrescroft Primary School
Highlees Primary School

Primary School

Bringing out the Best

Artsmark Silver Award

We have been awarded the Artsmark Silver Award.

Thank you to everyone who worked hard to achieve this.

Highlees Primary School

Thank you for your recent submission, and congratulations on completing your Artsmark journey.

You've achieved an Artsmark Silver Award!

We are delighted to inform you that your setting has been awarded an Artsmark Silver Award. Congratulations!

Your Statement of Commitment and Statement of Impact have been assessed and we’re pleased to share this feedback from our assessors with you:

'At Highlees Primary, you recognise the important contribution of the arts to children’s emotional well-being and positive behaviour, and this has been an important aspect of your Artsmark journey, particularly as part of your post-pandemic recovery curriculum. The creation of your ‘Zen Den’ is supporting children in learning to self-regulate their emotions by listening to relaxing music, and arts-based lunchtime clubs are similarly having a calming effect. You have reviewed your arts curriculum so that it is now mapped across the school, and children are building on prior learning. Investment in subscriptions to ‘Kapow!’ and ‘Access Art’ are providing further planning support to ensure children are progressing their skills in Art and Design Technology, as well as providing training for teachers. You have also successfully developed the use of sketchbook folders, depicting children’s progress in skills as they move through the school. Your partnership with the Arts Ambassadors Network in the Elliott Foundation has been fruitful in facilitating links with arts and culture professionals, and your alliance with the Royal Opera House has been effective in introducing children to new arts genres, as well as being a vehicle for high quality continuing professional development and resources, and raising pupils’ aspirations. Participation in the ROH’s Design & Make programme has raised standards in Design Technology; and virtual workshops with Directors from the ROH culminated in an exciting opportunity to perform their work on The Magic Flute at the Opera House, alongside their professional opera singers and orchestra – how wonderful! Pupils enjoy a range of opportunities to showcase their creative talents in Rock Steady concerts, choir, dance performances, in your school gallery and on social media, raising the profile of the arts with stakeholders and enhancing the school’s reputation for the arts within the local community. Through your filmed writing projects supported by mixed-media and textile artists, pupils have been exposed to professionals who model jobs in the creative industries, and have a growing understanding of potential future career pathways, including back-stage roles. Your staff Arts Ambassador and senior leader have made a good start to sharing your good practice at your regional network meetings and with other schools within your Trust. Going forward, we suggest that you start to consider diversity within the arts, so that you can demonstrate how your arts curriculum and visiting professionals reflect cultural diversity and life in modern Britain. We also recommend that you plan ways to develop pupil voice by giving your children specific arts leadership roles, e.g. ‘Arts Ambassadors’, so that they are involved in planning and delivering authentic arts and cultural experiences, and choosing professional partners. We very much look forward to hearing how you build on your current successes.'

Congratulations on your Artsmark Silver Award!