Last night we held our Candlelit Carol Service. The Children in Key Stage 2 sang beautifully. It was lovely to see and made us all feel ready for Christmas.
Christingle means ‘Christ’s Light’ and it is a symbol of the Christian faith. Lots of churches hold Christingle services around Christmas time. The custom of giving out lighted candles in these services began in Germany in 1747 but it wasn't introduced to the Anglican Church in England until 1968...
Last Friday we had our School Christmas Dinner. It was lovely, the kitchen staff worked very hard to have dinner ready for over 300 people at lunchtime. The children pulled Christmas Crackers and wore their party hats while they ate their dinner. Thank you Erica and your team.
Years 1 and 2 put on their Christmas play last Thursday, the children were brilliant. The parents really enjoyed their performance and said the play was very good.
The Helping Hands of Highlees put on our school disco last Tuesday. The children had a fantastic time. The HHH raised £300 from the Disco which will go towards the outside sports area we are saving for. Thank You HHH.
Today we watched Beauty and the Beast, a small theatre group came to our school and put on a show. The children loved it, they all got involved in the panto spirit. It was a lovely treat, for the children leading up to Christmas.
Today we held our Tea and Tinsel afternoon, for the Grandparents of our children, it was a lovely afternoon. The Choir and Reception sang to the audience, while our Grandparents were drinking Tea and eating Mince Pies. Everyone said how well our children had sang.
The Reception classes performed their Nativity this morning, it was amazing, the children had worked really hard to get everything right. All the parents were impressed with how well the children performed. We had a photographer in from the Eveving Telegraph, so look out for...
Wow! Thank you.
Thank you for all your support, we raised a massive £735 from our Christmas Fair. The money will go towards a Multi Surface Games Area that the whole school can use. We would like to say a really big thank you to the Triple H committee for all their hard work in making the...
This week we held our Bedtime Story Night, everyone who came enjoyed themselves. It was lovely to see whole families reading a book altogether. We read a story, while we drank hot chocolate and made ourselves comfortable on the bean bags and cushions, wearing our onesies and PJ's. The eve...
Pupils who are competent readers and writers tend to make better progress in all areas of the curriculum.
Over the next few months we will be launching a series of events to promote reading at home. We hope you will support this important initiative to our school and your children.
There are...
Today we all wore our Pj's to school for Children in Need. To see our photos have a look in the Gallery. Thank you for all your help, this year we raised £436.65 for Children in Need.